
«Un bon réseau améliore les possibilités de carrière»



Schweiz: Schweizer Physiotherapie Verband physioswiss
Welt: WCPT: World Confederation for Physical Therapy
International IAPTAP: International Association of Physical Therapists in Animal Practice
International VEPRA: Veterinary European Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Association
International ECVSMR: European college of veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation
Australien: APA: (Australian Physiotherapy Association)
APG (Animal Physiotherapy Group)
Education at the University of Queensland/NRAVS (Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science)
Belgien: BACAP (Belgian Association for Certified Animal Physiotherapists)
Deutschland: ZVK (Zentralverband der Physiotherapeuten/Krankengymnasten)
VTPF (Verein für Tierphysiotherapie)
England: CSP (Chartered Society of Physiotherapists)
ACPAT (The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy
Education through ACPAT and at Royal Veterinary College (RVC
Finnland: Suomen Fysioterapeutit
Suomen Eläinfysioterapeutitry
Holland: KNGF (Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap Fysiotherapie)
NVFD (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fysiotherapie bij Dieren)
Education at Cursuscentrum Dierverzorging Barneveld (CDB)
Irland: ISCP (Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists)
Italien: AIFI (Associazione Italiana Fisioterapisti)
S.I.F.V. (La Scuola Italiana di Fisioterapia Veterinaria)
Kanada: CPA (Candian Physiotherapy Association)
CHAP (Canadian Horse and Animal Physical Rehabilitation)
Österreich: Akademisch geprüfte DiplomPhysiotherapeutin für Tiere (PTV)
Schweden: LSR (Legitimerade Sjukgymnasters Riksförbund)
LSVET (Legitimerade sjukgymnaster inom Veterinärmedicin)
Education at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU)
Education at Vocational High School, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Spanien: AEFI
Education at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Südafrika: SASP (South African Society of Physiotherapy)
APGSA (Animal Physiotherapy Group of South Africa)
USA: APTA (American Physical Therapy Association)
ARSIG (Animal Rehabilitation Special Interest Group)